Blackhaugh Black Byron W084

Beef Impact

  • Sire: Te Mania Emperor E343
  • Dam: Blackhaugh Blackcap U872
  • MGS: K C F Bennett Absolute
  • Ear Tag: UK562121 602084
  • AI Code: AA1846


• An outstanding sire who offers exceptional calf quality whilst maintaining a calving difficulty of 1.6%
• An Elite CGI sire, meaning progeny display higher early life growth rates
• Byron has an Ecofeed score of 108, making him a great choice for those rearing to finish

Commercial Use Only

EMI £69.70 + MVI £32.40


  • Calving difficulty (%) 1.6
  • Gestation length 279
  • Calf Vigour 1.4
  • Birth weight (kgs) 0.8
  • Calf quality (%) 95.7
  • Coat colour
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