Kersey Platinum

Beef Impact

  • Sire: Twyning Ash Ukulele
  • Dam: Kersey Nutella
  • MGS: Bringlee Ecstacy
  • Ear Tag: UK222596401353
  • AI Code: BB1871


• A calving ease sire with a 1.0% calving ease score
• Calves display visible quality from birth
• Available in 4M Ultraplus Male

Commercial Use Only

EMI £60.80 + MVI £27.90


  • Calving difficulty (%) 1.0
  • Gestation length 281
  • Calf Vigour 1.5
  • Birth weight (kgs) 1.2
  • Calf quality (%) 93.5
  • Coat colour 76
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