At Cogent Breeding, we're passionate about helping you make informed decisions that boost your herd's performance. That's why we're championing the registration of sires on passports – a simple step that can lead to significant benefits for your farm and the wider industry.
Why register the Sire?
The beef industry now has access to carcase trait Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs), that help you select bulls based on traits that directly impact your bottom line.
But these EBVs can only be calculated if you record the sire's ear tag number when registering calves with BCMS.
In 2021, a mere 23% of sires were registered on passports. We believe that by increasing this number, we can drive the industry forward and enhance profitability for all. So, let's work together to change this!
What's on Offer?
The latest EBVs focus on key carcase traits:
Carcase conformation
Carcase weight
Fat class
Days to slaughter
Average daily carcase gain
These EBVs offer a window into a bull's genetic potential, giving you a clearer picture of what to expect from his progeny. Whether you're purchasing stock bulls or selecting AI sires, these values should be an essential part of your decision-making process.
Making Recording a Breeze
New to recording? Don't fret! Here are some handy tips to get you started:
Keep a list of sire ear tag numbers near your computer for quick reference during calf registration.
If you're using AI, hold onto those semen delivery slips – they're a goldmine of information, including the all-important sire ear tag number.
In the event where all you know is either the sire’s name, eartag or AI Code but do not have his full information, you can utilise online tools like Herd Companion to obtain accurate, up to date names, codes and numbers.
By embracing sire registration, you're not just improving your own herd – you're contributing to the advancement of the entire beef industry. Join us in this exciting initiative to drive genetic progress and potentially boost your farm's profitability.
Together, let's breed a brighter future for British beef!