In an increasingly harsh economic climate, using Cogent sexed semen on the heifers is now a crucial part of our dairy business of 2,000 cows. It frees up more animals to sell, without harming expansion plans and simply puts money on the bottom line. All heifers are now served to Cogent sexed semen, with a conception rate of 65% and 96% heifer calves born in the last 12 months. A recent development is a contract to supply heifers to China and Mexico with a beneficial rate for those in-calf to sexed semen.
We first used Cogent sexed semen in 2002 with 10 straws of Principal and are now milking 6 daughters from this breeding. Last year 15 Lucente heifers resulted from 20 straws of Cogent sexed semen. Impressed by the conception rates, the calving ease and how vigorous the calves are by Lucente we just can't wait to make more heifers using Cogent sexed semen.
Between October 2006 and February 2007 we used 109 straws of sexed Shaker on heifers. We were really pleased with the 72 pregnancies achieved, which is on a par with the performance of conventional semen on the farm. With heifer prices rising across Europe it is great to be able to breed more heifers in this way.
If you use Cogent sexed semen by the book, with the thawer beside the cow, results will be good. The 1st year I bought 24 straws. From this breeding I got 16 calves; 15 heifers and one bull. The 2nd year I used 26 straws and got 20 calves which resulted in all heifers!
We are very pleased with the performance of Cogent sexed semen in Iran so far. The large herds that have used over 100 straws each are averaging 70% pregnancy rates, with the smaller users achieving even higher results. With shortages of heifers all across the country, Cogent sexed semen is the only option for the future.